Thursday 27 August 2009

“U girls ask us guys to stare at u"

"Damn these bucolic Biharis, I agree with Raj Thackeray with this. They are the ones who always eve-tease" Kevin said insouciantly.

“I liked the feed on the I-Dare-You should read it he said during our usual natter on Gtalk.

A cynic that I am just claimed that there is no ones at an advantage other than the guys writing these posts. People like me are going gaga over the authorship. (And for once...people were actually talking about eve-teasing. Yes all thanks to Ur Blog...It has generated a hype and v r talking about it..!! )

As we progressed with our talks I still maintained that this " I - Dare - You " initiative is not going to work unless people on the street are educated...that a Herculean task...n dat where d grisly action takes place..

“No”, that the problem with u girls. Always stereotyping us.. There are a few good men like me who are still left". Sending out emoticons which made me want to believe him.

"Heck all are the same...See a girl with a pair of long legs n you think of getting into her pants...And after all you believe in love (read :lust) at first sight. When you walk around in a skirt or even in a pair of shorts you will find men giving u such nasty stares that it pierces hard And not to forget the words like ",Maal", "Item", "Guladda" (ewwwww....I know..! ) and all that crass (read :cuss).

“You all will want to roam around in the tiniest skirts also n than u al want all stares also.. that’s so dumb...I mean...just grow up yaar...what kinda argument is this...cover up urself and then see na.. then u know which are good and which are bad !!! “I felt like me was almost screaming down my throat .

I duuno what to make an issue about...: the length of the skirt or the breadth of the void in his hollow skull up there . This incitive was enough to get me into a feral rage.

“What??????????????????????????????????????” I was appalled by what this dumb-fucked-up-pervert-Kevin just said.

“If you want to wear short skirts ore when roam naked. Do it in your house; not on the road." ranting up almost immediately.

"You’re such a sick pervert Kevin. I dint expect this from u. I thought u were one of the guys who actually made sense” Damn.. I wanted to slap him hard.

“So are you trying to impregnate my mind by saying " Kevin stares at girls; checks them our; lusts for them but no...He is not a pervert. Conviction cud’nt get better than this..!! Damn these male species . . . one more reason to loathe them. What had gotten into him?? Was he feigning this??? I continued my hollering "What's the difference between so called ' I support ' I-Dare-You - initiators ' or those rustic Biharis or the cycle-walas or the rickshaw-wala for that matter?? ?? " I cud’nt blame my poor friend actually...Maybe dats how all men are...After all suck kidaas are there in all male-species.

" You girls are barmy... You so well know how to exaggerate things n take it to the next level..dont you??" acting like d heavens up above prophesied him to speak something wise.

“Kevin ...for Ur u know I am supposed t be free in this city for all d fucking reasons?? Whether I wear a sari ...or a bikini. .and according to sum national survey in India. Most Women are raped in villages than in the cities..n they wear saris der,,So now r u trying to tem me dat maybe these women lure men into raping them ??" It was now my chance to thank the heavens up above that fact dat I Read dat article..!!

To which he gave me a mind-blowing ‘Rongthe -kadhe -honewali jawab.’ "I stare with in my limits!!! Now I know y u all girls think V r perverts... Coz u girls lack all will roam half naked and want no one to c u all like that. Now that’s quite a task...keep waiting for that day to come..!! "

Well. That when I decided to take e litmus test ... Will I really have to wait that long a time?? To witness that a " well-educated - guy" is not going to ogle at me??

Until then I guess we girls will have to just continue creating a scene if anybody misdemeans our body. our dignity...our ego. Our self respect...

kevin is a fictious character...but ds incident sure did happen..!! kust goesn on to show wot men think...!!



MrNarci said...

According to me a woman should have the liberty to wear whatever she wants...

And your presumption that all men are like 'that' is wrong, there are guys who are not like that. I guess you even know one in my class! ::ding dong, bell rings somewhere in the recesses of the mind::

Men primarily do not stare at women in other countries at least. for god's sakes people make out openly in France, just short of having sex openly and no one tells them anything. Instead over there they admire what's happening and have a certain level of respect for the lovers as they are showing their love for each other. (I love France!)
In India, our culture is not like that. You may not like me going on about the culture thing because you've already heard it a 100 times already, but this is it! There's been no respect for women in our past, and therefore they are treated too like the dust on the feet, or even worse than that.

One reason that I believe is that the men who do such stuff have a frustrated sex-life. Either they are not getting anything at all, or their partner leaves then unsatisfied. This leads them to look elsewhere. Remember Masti? Ghar ki daal, bahar ki Biryani? I'm not saying that they go and have illicit relationships, but just looking at maybe a woman gives them a high, IRRESPECTIVE OF WHAT CLOTHES THE GIRL IS WEARING! Blame the high testesterone levels in men!

One other reason, which my teacher once mentioned in class, in relation to an altogether different topic but has relevance here is that primarily all human beings are voyeurs by nature. We love to do things in hiding, such that no one catches us. The thrill is something else. It's as if you've robbed a bank of millions and no one even caught you on camera! That is why, the rise in prostitution or pornography. Thus staring at girls gives them a thrill that they wouldn't get while looking at their own girlfriends or wives.

And moreover, clothes has nothing to do with this. I'm just mentioning the Blank Noise project n Bangalore and the experiment that they carried out where they asked girls to give in clothes which they were wearing when they were harassed. one just needs to do a Google search and read up on this. I'm telling you, a voyeuristic male will not leave even a woman in a burqa!

Julie Sam said...

i ma glad ur supposrint me..1!!

Sim.aquamarine89 said...

the clothes a woman wears is definitely not the criteria to be eve-teased…I have been eve teased while I was wearing a full sleeve salwar kamez...n talking about saris…I feel a sari can be way more revealing than jeans n a top or even a skirt for tht matter..n I totally agree with u…I personally feel that if a girl is comfortable in what she`s wearing she can make any outfit not appear vulgar or obscene. And after all it’s the thinking of an individual which counts. Its just that if u don’t approve of a girl wearing something that’s totally your opinion but that does not give u the right what so ever to eve tease her.
One major reason of eve teasing is that no one actually takes it seriously. Infact what we are taught as girls from childhood is that “it happens and it’s normal. You have to learn to DEAL with it” which is totally not fair. It happens every second. Especially if u travel by our local trains it happens so candidly and no one wants to interfere. I feel it is also the movies which are to blame to some extent in which sometimes they show the hero practically eve teasing the girl and at the end of the movie he actually even gets her! I’m glad this campaign has been taken out. I hope that even if it not able eradicate eve-teasing from its roots at least it makes a difference and make people realize that eve teasing is absolutely NOT COOL!